The Elim Medi Heel pedicure has replaced my previous ‘luxury pedicure’ and the heel peel treatment has replaced the previous callus peel treatment.
The Elim pedicure is different to the traditional methods for hard skin removal as it does not include foot filing, blading or hard granular exfoliants. Instead, it offers alkaline peeling for a safer and more efficient alternative.
This benefits your feet as using abrasive methods can cause a ‘trauma’ response which can then cause overproduction of skin cells - therefore aiding hard skin and the formation of calluses.
For the Elim pedicure you will be sat on the couch for the most part of the treatment so you can relax comfortably.
Your feet will be spritzed with Spa Sanitiser and I will check over your feet and discuss any concerns. After this, the Callus Tonic is applied to areas of hard skin and left for around ten minutes to allow to work.
After this, dead skin is literally ‘scrapped’ off the feet and we use a pumice stone to buff away any excess. At this point we apply your chosen gel polish if you are having your toes painted.
This is followed by an exfoliation of the feet and lower leg with the AHA Exfoliator, and then the UltraMud mask is applied and your feet are wrapped in towels. When the mask is ready to be removed, your feet will be soaked in a warm foot spa to remove the mask.
The treatment finishes with a massage to the feet and lower legs, cuticle oil to the toes and a beautiful Elim gold spritz.
The Elim Heel Peel can be a one off express treatment; or added onto any treatment for perfect heels in 20 minutes! Great to add on to a facial while the mask is on, a massage or even your gel polish appointment while your nails are soaking off!
The treatment is similar to the above, but does not include the Ultra Mud mask and the exfoliator is removed with warm mitts rather than a foot soak.
Not at all! In fact the treatment can be a lot more comfortable than the traditional pedicures due to the absence of foot filing and blades.
Elim is suited to almost everyone. Diabetics can have this treatment and its safe for pregnancy (although best to avoid in the first trimester). The only contra-indications are those using Ro-accutane, cracked or bleeding heels (although these can be worked around), and over-sensitive skins.
YES! From the first pedicure you will see a difference. Regular home care and pedicures will improve results.
Make sure you book in for regular pedicures to keep on top of hard skin and calluses.
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